Why Do You Need To Travel With A Group?

Traveling with people who share similar interests and enjoy the same hobbies is an excellent way to explore new destinations, especially if you didn’t know them before. The concept of traveling with a community of like-minded people has been around for years and is a proven way to ensure that you have a positive travel experience.

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MJ Roldan
Check Your Passports and Go!

The travel bug has hit big time and folks are ready to see the world. Now is the time to make sure your travel documents are in order and you know the rules for entry for the country to which you are traveling.

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MJ Roldan
With Age Comes Wisdom

I recently celebrated a milestone, I turned 50. Now I am a proud member of the 50 and Fabulous Club! Birthdays are nothing new, I've had 49 of them, but there was something different about 50. I'm a little wiser now and know that birthdays are a blessing. They say that with age comes wisdom, and I have to agree.

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