What's Your Story?
Traveling –
it leaves you speechless,
then turns you into a storyteller
– Ibn Battuta
This quote is so true for me. There have been countless moments when I’ve been in utter awe during my travels. My vocabulary, albeit vast, could not describe the site and my imagination, albeit vivid, could not fathom the experience. For a few moments, I was truly speechless. My mind was processing all that I was seeing while my spirit was absorbing all that I was feeling. These moments may have been fleeting, but the stories they birthed last a lifetime.
I know some of you are like me. We may not be the life of the party but we aren’t the Debbie Downers either. We share evenly in conversations and interject when appropriate. However, let the topic turn to travel and we have more stories than Shakespeare has sonnets. You might as well grab another drink, have a seat and make yourself comfortable…you gon’ be here for a while!
I would love to hear some of your travel stories. What experiences will you treasure forever? What sites do you still can’t believe you saw with your very own eyes? What situations have you been in that you said “Lord, just get me out of this and I promise…”? Send me your stories and I will share them with other lovers of travel. We can inspire and uplift each other and provide something to look forward to as we start to venture out again.
Overton Travel provides you with plenty of amazing storytelling experiences. I can already hear some of the stories from the 2022 trips. Remember that time we…
saw the most beautiful sunset in Santorini, Greece
climbed to the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy
visited the house of the Virgin Mary in Turkey
attended a naming ceremony in a local village in Ghana
went zip lining in the rain forest in Costa Rica
drank our weight in rum punch in Jamaica
trekked across the Sahara Desert on a camel in Morocco
and so much more!
Don’t delay, view our UPCOMING TRIPS to book your next trip today!
Oh, the places you will go and the stories you will tell.